Small Claims Court

Small Claims Court

Small Claims Court is a place where people can go to settle their differences in cases up to $25,000. Note: This amount may change. Ask at the court office.

You do not need a lawyer in Small Claims Court, although you can use one.

The fee to go to Small Claims Court is $100 if your claim is $3,000 or less and $156 if it is over $3,000. (You may have to pay other charges, but you will sometimes get this money back if you win the case.)

If Your Small Claims Case is Going to Court

You will probably have a settlement conference. A settlement conference is a private meeting with a judge, you, and the person you are suing. The judge will help you talk about the problem, and help you agree on a solution. If you both agree on the solution, the judge makes an order based on the agreement, and the case is finished.

For example:Rick sued a roofing company because the roof on his house leaked and damaged his carpet. It cost $125 to repair the carpet. Rick and the roofer went to a settlement conference in Small Claims Court. They talked about the problem and agreed that the roofer should repair Rick’s roof and pay for the cleaning of the carpet. The judge then made an order based on this agreement. The judge ordered the roofing company to repair Rick’s roof and to pay Rick $125 for the cost of cleaning his carpet.

You must bring to the settlement conference all the things you need to prove your case, such as bills, receipts, invoices, and contracts. If you have a lawyer, the lawyer can also attend the settlement conference.

What if you and the person you are suing can’t agree? After the settlement conference, your case can go to trial in Small Claims Court. In a trial, you and the other person present the facts to a judge, and the judge decides.

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