Youth and Gangs
The Justice Education Society has produced an educational video that illustrates the dangers of gang involvement. It presents a scenario where young gang members struggle with their criminal activities, feel threatened, and recruit another youth into their gang. The video is available in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish and Punjabi. The Society has also published a factsheet that provides overview information about gangs in British Columbia. It describes who joins gangs, lies gangs tell, how to avoid getting involved and tips for parents. The fact sheet is available in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish and Punjabi.

Youth Criminal Justice Act
Youth and teachers can use this website to learn about the Youth Criminal Justice Act – the law that is applied to anyone aged 12-17. Students can read articles, take quizzes and complete assignments. Teachers can read lessons and take a final exam. The information is only available in English.

Legal Rights for Youth
This website is for youth who have questions about their legal rights. The site helps youth understand how the law applies to them and where they can get help. Topics include: Age-Based Rights, Crime, Family Break-up, Work, Driving, Medical Rights, Online Safety, Renting, Consumer Rights & Debt, Lawsuits, and more.

Court Choices
Testifying in court can be scary for young people. This website will help them with their feelings by teaching them about what will happen. Videos show what to expect in court, how to prepare, and how to testify.

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