Learn About: Youth and the Law
Here you will examine the law and how it applies to young people. You will learn about:
Youth Criminal Justice Act
Youth and teachers can use this website to learn about the Youth Criminal Justice Act – the law that is applied to anyone aged 12-17. Students can read articles, take quizzes and complete assignments. Teachers can read lessons and take a final exam. The information is only available in English.
Legal Rights for Youth
This website uses 9 animated videos and handouts to teach young people about their rights and responsibilities in Canada. K9, a teenager who keeps finding young people in difficult legal situations, teaches youth about a variety of topics, including The Party, Don’t Look in My Locker and Street Freedoms. The information is only available in English.
Court Choices
Testifying in court can be scary for young people. This website will help them with their feelings by teaching them about what will happen. Videos show what to expect in court, how to prepare, and how to testify.