Applying for a Job

In Canada, there are laws to protect workers from discrimination. For example, an employer is expected to hire employees on the basis of skills. He or she can’t refuse to hire you because of your skin colour or your religion. This is discrimination. Many kinds of discrimination are against the law. It is discrimination if someone doesn’t give you a job because of your:

  • sex
  • age
  • race or birthplace
  • religion
  • sexual orientation (gay, bisexual, or straight)
  • marriage or family status (married, single, or living common-law)
  • mental or physical disability

There are also laws to protect you against discrimination at work.

When you accept a job, you enter into an agreement with your employer. He or she agrees to pay you a salary and other benefits in return for your work.

Your Rights as a Worker

In BC, there is a law to protect you and your basic rights as a worker. It is called the Employment Standards Act. This law protects most workers. Farm workers are protected by some but not all sections of the Employment Standards Act.

Employment Standards Branch
1-800-663-3316 (toll free in BC)

Justice Education Society Citizenship and Immigration Canada Welcome BC City of Vancouver